Trang chủ Introduction Information technology applications
Application of information technology

With the objective of applying advanced information technology in management, the hospital of Vo Truong Toan University has directly worked with a team of masters, engineers at the Center for Communication and Software Technology with the aim of studying and building successful hospital management software.

With the hospital management software, the entire file from reception to storing patient medical records, including test results and diagnostic imaging, medical history of the patient examination and treatment at the hospital of Vo Truong Toan University is stored in the information system. For all patients visiting from the second onwards, patients only need to provide identification numbers provided by hospitals or doctors' names of each functional unit can look up all the information, previous medical history and the treatment of patients with previous time help patients save time declaration for the subsequent office visits. In addition, the medical record of patient information will be stored in the hospital for a lifetime and can conveniently lookup when a patient has asked to be provided detailed information about their health status.

Applying information technology at the hospital of Vo Truong Toan University facilitates the examination and treatment of patients. It is convenient, fast and accurate. Also, it shortens the implementation of administrative procedures in clinical stages, thereby it improves the quality of patient service and efficient operation of the hospital.


The main interface of the Hospital Management Software

The main functions of the Hospital Management Software:

1. Management in reception - examination

It is the input for information of the system of management software. It aggregates the entire hospital system and ensures the continual operations from receiving patient at the hospital until the end of the disease examination.

- Classifying the patients who have to charge and who have medical insurance.

- Switching automaticly patient records from reception to medical examination.

2. Management of subclinical (testing - diagnosing images)

Manage all results of testing - diagnosing images of patients during medical examination and treatment at the hospital.

3. Clinical management (inpatient)

Manage all operational information in the inpatient department and the medical details of patients.

4. Clinical Management (outpatient)

After discharge, the program still monitors the treatment of patients, the use of medicines and medical treatment for the first and second time.

5. Manage the payment of hospital fees and medical insurance

- Unified management of the list of health services

- Financial publicity for patients

- Management of the patient's income and expenditure

- Management outpatient hospital charges

- Inpatient hospital charge management

- Management of user fees for insured patients

6. Pharmaceutical Management

Manage pharmaceutical use throughout the hospital, including operations management at the hospital pharmacy counters. The Therapeutic Goods Administration is in compliance with regulations (GPP) of the Ministry of Health.

7. Manage user fees

Help people charge the fees quickly and conveniently and accurately. It helps us avoid many cumbersome procedures that waste time of the patients.

8. Finance - Accounting Management

Manage the financial situation in the hospital quickly and accurately.

9. Management of fixed assets

10. Report for leaders

11. Human Resource Management

12. Management of medical equipment

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