Trang chủ Introduction Mission and Vision
Mission and Visibility


The mission of the Vo Truong Toan University Hospital is to bring perfect choice for testing service and treatment, complete and advanced health care in accordance with international standards - Vietnam prices; consider patients’ health and advantages as the basis throughout our all activities. We, the hospitals always listen to the contributions of patients and relatives in a patient and understandable manner so as to offer the best service in both physical and mental conditions.


Investment focused on infrastructure, modern equipment, constantly improving skills and ethics of the medical staff, Vo Truong Toan University Hospital will be directed at building reliable address of examination and treatment for the people of the provinces in the region in particular and the country in general, striving to become one of the advanced hospital in Vietnam in the field of health care, leading to professional quality , a leader in the application of modern technology to make up the difference, classy standards and rebranding to the health sector in Vietnam.

Đang online: 6 - Hôm nay: 21 - Hôm qua: 22 - Tuần này: 284 - Tháng này: 175 - Tổng cộng: 131674
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